2023 Financial Review

A benign international refining environment coupled by the refineries’ strong operational performance on higher utilization, as well as increased contribution from RES drove performance, offset by normalization of benchmark refining margins vs 2022 record highs, a stronger EUR and lower contribution from domestic fuels marketing and petrochemicals. A substantial portion of the 2023 profitability was driven by improvements in the Company’s operations and the execution of the strategic transformation program and operational excellence. HELLENiQ ENERGY Group’s Adjusted EBITDA in 2023 amounted to €1,237 million (2022: €1,601 million). Adjusted Net Income reached €606 million (2022: €1,006 million), with Reported Net Income amounting to €478 million.

Strong profitability 0 million Adj. EBITDA
Reduction of gearing to 0%
The operational performance of the Group’s refining division sustained at high levels, with the production and sales volume reaching 14.6 million tons (+13%) and 15.4 million tons (+8%) respectively. During the year, once again, the Group was able to capture crude oil pricing opportunities in the Med and global market and benefited from supply optimization, refinery availability and demand recovery, offsetting energy and EUA costs.

Petrochemicals were affected by the sluggish sector’s global business environment in 2023, with demand remaining at very low levels, negatively affecting the polypropylene margins.

Despite a 2% decline in Domestic Marketing’s total sales volume in 2023, automotive sales volume increased by 4%, with improved market shares and higher contribution from premium products. Aviation and bunkering sales volume rose by 2% and 1% respectively. Excluding the impact from inventory valuation and the pricing timing on aviation fuels, profitability was broadly stable y-o-y, with regulatory constraints on retail gross margin remaining in place.

Through the completion of a series of agreements in Greece, Cyprus and Romania, RES had achieved an installed capacity of 356 MW by the end of 2023, along with projects under construction or in advanced stages of development with a total capacity of 0.7 GW. The current pipeline has increased further to 4.3 GW, with growing aspirations for our international footprint as well.

In the E&P business, the acquisition of 3D seismic data in three offshore areas (“Ionian”, “Block 2”, “Block 10”) was completed. Furthermore, the acquisition of 2D seismic data in two offshore areas in Crete has been finalized, with data processing currently under way.

Key figures for 2023
€ million 2023 2022
Turnover 12,803 14,508
Adjusted EBITDA 1,237 1,601
Inventory Effect* 148 -102
Special Items* 36 -14
Reported EBITDA 1,053 1,717
Adjusted Net Income 606 1,006
Reported Net Income 478 890
Capital Employed 4,573 4,669
Net Debt 1,627 1,942
Gearing Ratio – Net Debt / Capital Employed 36% 42%

*gains are recorded with a negative sign and losses with a positive sign

Liquidity & Cash Flows

Thanks to a strong financial performance in FY23, operating cash flows amounted to €965m, while capital expenditure reached €291m, primarily directed to refinery maintenance and infrastructure upgrading projects, with a smaller portion allocated to Marketing and RES. It is anticipated that total capital expenditure for 2024 will increase, mainly due to the acceleration of RES capacity development.
As a result of significant free cash flow generation and despite the gradual payment of the solidarity contribution (€200m in 2023 out of a total amount of €267m) and the distribution of dividends totaling €229m, Net Debt decreased by €0.3bn to €1.63bn, while Gearing (Net Debt to Capital Employed) fell to 36% compared to 42% in 2022.
Furthermore, in 2023 the refinancing of debt totaling €1.2bn was successfully completed, improving the maturity profile, while available credit lines as at the end of 2023 amounted to €1.1bn.
Strong profitability in 2023 resulted in the generation of high operating cash flows, amounting to €965 million. FY 2023 Refineries’ Production Electric vehicle (EV) Fast Chargers 50-150 kW in EKO & BP Petrol Stations in Greece Refineries’ Sales Exports over Total Refineries Sales Total Sales Gearing (ND/ND+E) Adjusted Net Income 14.6 million ΜΤ 1,954 70 15.4 million ΜΤ 8.3 million ΜΤ 54% €12,803 million 36% €606 million €1,237 million Adjusted EBITDA

Business Activities

Petroleum Products

Refining, Supply and Trading 

In Greece the Group, through its subsidiary HELLENIC PETROLEUM R.S.S.O.P.P. S.A., owns and operates three refineries in Aspropyrgos, Elefsina and Thessaloniki, which account for approximately 65% of the country’s total refining capacity and operate storage facilities for crude oil and petroleum products of a total capacity of 6.65 million m³.

The three refineries’ technical characteristics are described below:

Refinery Daily Refining Capacity (Kbpd) Annual Refining Capacity (million MT) Refining Configuration Nelson Complexity Index
Aspropyrgos 146 7.6 Cracking (FCC) 9.7
Elefsina 106 5.3 Hydrocracking 12.0
Thessaloniki 90 4.5 Hydroskimming 5.8
The Group’s three coastal refineries operate as an integrated system. The procurement of crude oil, the scheduling of production and the forecasting of sales are carried out centrally for the Group’s refining system, with the aim of maximizing profitability, taking into account the current regional prices of crude oil and products, as well as the trends in domestic and international demand. The enhanced refining complexity, which allows for flexibility in the crude slate process and advanced conversion of intermediate products (SRAR, VGO), represents a significant competitive advantage for the Group, leading to improved profitability in comparison to industry benchmarks throughout the economic cycle.

The benchmark margins for Mediterranean refineries fell vs record-highs reached in 2022 on improved supply-demand balances. However, they remained at above mid-cycle levels on the back of healthy oil products demand growth, refinery turnarounds, delays in commissioning of newly-built refineries and supply disruptions. More specifically, FCC benchmark margins in 2023 averaged $8.6/bbl (2022: $11.5/bbl), while hydrocracking margins averaged $9.9/bbl (2022: $13.2/ bbl).

With the exception of higher prices observed during September and October 2023, Brent price remained relatively stable throughout the year. Prices for natural gas and electricity decreased compared to the particularly elevated levels reached in 2022. In this environment, refining production in 2023 increased to 14.6 million MT compared with 13 million MT in 2022.

R e f i n e r i e s p r o d u c t i o n 0 million t o n s

Middle distillates’ (jet, gasoil and diesel) production yield reached 55% in 2023, higher y-o-y, mainly on the back of increased utilization of the Elefsina refinery, while gasoline’s production yield came in at 22%. In terms of overall production, the yield of high value-added products reached 82%, which is among the highest in the European refining industry. Additionally, the production of fuel oil was reduced to 7% (compared to 11% in 2022), reflecting the operational optimization of the Aspropyrgos refinery.

Furthermore, the percentage of intra-refinery transfers of intermediate products and raw materials among the three refineries exceeded 14%, contributing to operational optimization in production, logistics and trading.
Med Benchmark + Overperformance Crude / feedstock mix 1 1 2023A Petchems (Benchmark Pricing Plus Premia) Domestic and International markets (PP + BOPP 240kt) Crude slate flexibility – Advantaged location – Quality asset base – High value yield 14.6m MT Net Production Low sulphur Medium sulphur High sulphur Other feedstock Integrated Refining System 342kbpd (17.4m MT nominal capacity) NCI 9.4 32% 31% 29% 8% Product Yield 1 5% 11% 22% 55% 7% LPG Naphtha/Other Gasoline Middle Distillates Fuel Oil

Energy efficiency constitutes a fundamental pillar of our strategic approach in the refining business, as we strive to continuously improve the respective metrics. In 2023, the planned maintenance programs at Elefsina, Aspropyrgos and Thessaloniki refineries were completed safely and successfully.

Financial and key operational metrics:
Financial Results (€ million) 2023 2022
Sales 11,442 13,087
Adjusted EBITDA 1,043 1,388
Performance Indicators
HELPE refineries’ reference system margin – yearly average $8.7/bbl $10.7/bbl
Sales Volume (k ΜΤ) 15,438 14,273

Crude Oil Supply

Crude oil supply is carried out by the Supply & Trading division through a combination of term and spot contracts.

Due to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the EU sanctions against Russia that followed, the Group ceased imports of Russian crude oil by the end of February 2022. Instead, the Group increased its purchases of other crude grades from the wider region as well as from Latin America and the Middle East. In 2023, the primary sources of crude oil supply were Kazakhstan, Iraq, Libya, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Collectively, these countries accounted for 79% of the total crude oil supplies.

The geographical location of the Group’s refineries, coupled with their flexibility to process a wide range of crude oil grades, represents a significant competitive advantage. This advantage has proven particularly crucial, not only in terms of contributing to profitability but also in terms of the Group’s ability to swiftly respond to sudden supply disruptions in specific grades of crude oil, thus ensuring the uninterrupted supply of the markets in which the Group operates.

Crude oil and other feedstocks supply mix

T o t a l s al e s 0 m ill i o n t o n s

The proportion of intra-refinery transfers of intermediate products and raw materials among the three refineries exceeded 14%, thereby contributing to the optimization of operations in production, logistics and trading.

Wholesale Trading (Refined Products Sales)

HELLENIC PETROLEUM R.S.S.O.P.P. S.A. is involved in the ex-refinery distribution of petroleum products to marketing companies in Greece, including its subsidiary EKO ABEE, as well as to other specific clientele, such as the country’s armed forces. Approximately 50% to 60% of the production is exported. All refined products comply with the European standards (Euro VI).

In 2023 the sales volume in the domestic market decreased by 5% y-o-y to 4.4 million MT, primarily due to reduced consumption of heating oil. However, excluding heating oil, the sales volume increased by 1%. The sales of aviation fuels totaled 943 thousand MT, recording a 9% increase, while the sales volume of marine fuels rose by 1.5%, reaching 1.8 million MT. Exports increased by 19% to 8.3 million MT, accounting for 54% of total sales in 2023 and, maintaining the Group’s position as one of the most export-focused entities in the region.

In 2023, the total sales of the refineries of the Group increased by 8.1%, reaching a total of 15.4 million MT.

Exports 0 million MT

After three years of intense volatility affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and the energy crisis that intensified following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the global oil markets in 2023 evidenced a gradual normalization of the crude oil prices, with refining margins maintaining high levels, albeit lower than the previous year’s record-highs. This was the result of supply/demand balances normalizing, despite the implementation of sanctions on Russian product exports and OPEC’s decision to reduce production levels. Additionally, geopolitical developments in the Middle East partially realigned trade flows.

The production and sales of HELLENiQ ENERGY’s Refining, Supply and Trading business increased in 2023, while profitability was positively affected on the back of high refining margins.

The Group seeks to strengthen its competitiveness through substantially improving the environmental footprint of its processes, the energy used and the products produced as well as the competitiveness and the production of petrochemicals and sustainable fuels.

Specifically, the strategy focuses on further strengthening the competitiveness of the Refining, Supply and Trading business through the following initiatives:


  • Projects to enhance energy efficiency by reducing energy consumption and environmental footprint, through investments in co-generation units and increased use of energy from RES, as well as decarbonization projects, including the installation of blue/green hydrogen units.
  • Investments in high-performance projects in the highcomplexity industrial units, with an emphasis on the production of high value-added products, biofuels and petrochemicals.
  • Improvement of operations as part of the Group’s digital transformation program, through upgraded production planning, supply optimization and synergy realization among our refineries.
  • Prioritizing safety by focusing on training, implementing standards and enhancing procedures.

Production and Trading of Petrochemicals

Financial and key operational metrics:
Sales 2023 2022
Adjusted EBITDA 302 380
Performance Indicators 43 74
Sales Volume (k ΜΤ) – Total
Sales Volume (k ΜΤ) 276 262
International Polypropylene Margin ($/MT) 293 444

Petrochemical activities mainly focus on the propylene-polypropylene-Bopp value chain. The Aspropyrgos refinery, through its splitter unit, produces propylene, which covers about 80-85% of the raw material needs of the Thessaloniki polypropylene plant. The Group’s petrochemical complex, located at the Thessaloniki refinery, also produces solvents and inorganics, with its output being directed to the domestic and other Mediterranean markets.

Based on its financial contribution, the propylene-polypropylene-Bopp value chain represents the main activity for petrochemicals. Export activity is particularly important, as in 2023, 66% of sales volume was directed towards Italy, the Balkans and the Iberian Peninsula and Turkey, where they are used as raw materials in a range of manufacturing applications.

Exports of petrochemicals represent >65% of total sales volume

In the year 2023, the global business environment for petrochemicals was characterized by sluggishness, with the benchmark margins being negatively impacted by loose supply-demand balances. Polypropylene production reached 243 thousand MT, while propylene production at the Aspropyrgos refinery totaled 181 thousand MT. The significant integration between units, contributed to Petrochemicals’ profitability despite deteriorating international margins and adverse conditions. In this highly competitive and volatile environment, the adjusted EBITDA of the Petrochemical business reached €43 million.

Propane Propylene Imports BOPP PP Aspropyrgos splitter Thessaloniki PP Plant (240kt) Diaxon Plant (26kt) Domestic and International Market 75-80% 10% 90% 20-25%

Fuels Marketing

HELLENiQ ENERGY Group is active in the marketing and distribution of petroleum products, both in Greece, through its subsidiary EKO, as well as internationally, through its subsidiaries in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of North Macedonia. The Group benefits from the significant synergies among its networks in Greece and SE Europe in the areas of marketing and commercial policy, through sharing best practices and common launch of successful products.

Financial and key operational metrics:
Financial Results (€ million) 2023 2022
Sales 5,206 6,296
Adjusted EBITDA 111 135
Performance Indicators
Sales Volume (K MT) – Total 5,889 5,933
Sales Volume (k MT) – Greece 3,865 3,959
Fuel stations – Greece 1,631 1,655
Fuel stations – International (includes OKTA brand FSs) 323 317

Domestic Marketing

In Greece, the Group’s business comprises a network of 1,631 petrol stations operating under the EKO and BP brands, 16 bulk storage and supply terminals, 23 aircraft refueling stations located at the country’s main airports, 2 LPG bottling plants and 1 lubricant production and packaging unit.

The domestic market for automotive fuels experienced growth in 2023 as a result of robust economic activity and a strong tourism industry. Within the Greek market, gasoline consumption increased by 4.2% y-o-y while auto diesel consumption rose by 2.4%. The rise in tourism traffic played a significant role in driving up the consumption of aviation fuels, which experienced a 7% y-o-y growth. Additionally, the consumption of marine fuels also expanded, fueled by the increased coastal and cruise activity.

220 company-operated petrol stations 1,631 petrol stations in Greece
Heating gasoil consumption decreased by 32.8% due to the mild weather conditions.

In 2023, there was a notable proportion of differentiated fuels (98 & 100 octane gasoline, premium auto diesel) in the overall sales of motor fuels at fuels stations. Additionally, there was an increase in the market shares of gasoline, automotive diesel and heating gasoil, while maintaining a leading position in aviation and marine fuels.

The ongoing process of enhancing and enriching the EKO Smile loyalty program with customer-centric and competitive offerings and services is a continuous effort. Simultaneously, the BP brand introduced the BPme loyalty program.

Concurrently, there has been a strong focus on expanding the company-operated network, which currently encompasses more than 220 service stations. Efforts to improve services have also persisted, along with enhanced collaborations with select suppliers, supermarket chains, cafes and restaurants. Lastly, the expansion of the «net-zero energy network» initiative, aimed at achieving net-zero emissions in the energy consumption of company-operated stations, is being pursued through the installation of solar panels at petrol stations.

The Group has entered into an agreement with BP plc for the exclusive utilization of BP’s trademarks for ground fuels in Greece until the conclusion of 2025.

The business plan for Domestic Marketing in the next five years encompasses a comprehensive set of actions designed to enhance competitiveness, while also adapting to the evolving demands of customers and the challenges posed by the economic environment. Simultaneously, there will be a strong focus on energy efficiency and digital transformation across all operations. The following areas will receive particular attention:


  • Continuously enhancing the customer experience and service through the introduction of new competitive non-fuel services.
  • Enriching loyalty reward programs (ΕΚΟ-BP) to facilitate interaction with consumers, with a particular emphasis on personalized service, communication and the implementation of a multi-brand loyalty strategy.
  • Developing new services at petrol stations that cater to the digital needs and expectations of consumers.
  • Promoting the development of electric mobility by addressing the comprehensive needs of modern motorists.

International Marketing

The Group’s international business operates through its subsidiaries in Cyprus, Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and the Republic of North Macedonia, with a total network of over 300 petrol stations.

In Cyprus and Montenegro, the local subsidiaries (following the acquisition of pre-existing companies), hold leading positions in their markets, while in Bulgaria and Serbia, market shares are lower. In the Republic of North Macedonia, the network of 25 petrol stations bears the brand name of the OKTA (Group subsidiary).

Profitability in 2023 decreased compared to 2022, mainly due to unfavorable local and international market conditions impacting unit margins, despite the increase in fuel demand which was mainly driven by the abolishment of all COVID-19 restrictive measures. Profitability was further impacted by the increase in operational expenses, associated mostly with increased volumes, inflationary pressures and higher number of petrol stations.


  • In Cyprus, improved sales volume, as well as increased wholesale unit margins, resulted in profitability improvement. At the end of 2023, EKO Energy Cyprus Ltd commenced its trading activities through an agreement with the two PV parks (total capacity of 15 MW) that were operational at the time in Nicosia and are owned by the Group. In Montenegro, the profitability was lower compared to 2022 mainly due to lower unit margins, as a result of operational changes, and the increase in operational expenses, associated to a large extent with higher volumes, despite the increase in non-fuel revenue.
  • In the Republic of North Macedonia, profitability decreased compared to 2022 as a result of reduced unit margins despite increased volumes due to products shortage in the wider region.
  • In Bulgaria, profitability fell compared to 2022, mainly due to the reduction in retail unit margins and volumes, associated with local market conditions, as well as the increased operational expenses related to the increase in the number of petrol stations in operation, despite increased wholesale volumes and non-fuel revenue.
  • In Serbia, profitability increased compared to 2022 mainly due to higher retail unit margins, despite the decrease in sales volume and increased operational expenses, following changes in local legislation.

The strategic objective of achieving growth in Southeast European markets remains a top priority. This entails maintaining a leading position in both Cyprus and Montenegro, improving the profitability of OKTA and continuously expanding into the markets of Bulgaria and Serbia through targeted network growth and supply chain optimization. In alignment with the Group’s strategic plan, significant emphasis has been placed on the transition to green energy.

*From 2022 onwards, OKTA, a subsidiary in Republic of North Macedonia, is included in the International Marketing sales.

* From 2022 onwards, OKTA, a subsidiary in Republic of North Macedonia, is included in the contribution of the International Marketing EBITDA.

Montenegro Jugopetrol 46 Stations Cyprus EKO Cyprus 98 Stations Serbia ΕΚΟ Serbia 57 Stations R.N.M. OKTA 25 Stations Bulgaria ΕΚΟ Bulgaria 97 Stations

Electromobility Services

ElpeFuture, a 100% subsidiary of HELLENiQ ENERGY, operates as a Provider of Electromobility Services, as a Charging Infrastructure Operator and as a Transaction Processing Agent.

ElpeFuture has continued its impressive growth in the fast-charging sector, with a total of seventy (70) operational fast chargers ranging from 50 to 150 kW power at petrol stations nationwide. Alongside the ElpeFuture ChargenGo mobile application, which offers comprehensive services for both spontaneous and registered users, including 24/7 support for charging point operators and end users, the Company has introduced OEM branded RFID cards in collaboration with automotive dealers in Greece.

The Company’s primary objective is to solidify its position in the electric vehicle charging market and expand its fast and ultra-fast charging network at petrol stations, as well as AC charging units at points of interest. Concurrently, ElpeFuture has already implemented AC charging facilities for corporate fleets in its B2B clientele and aims to expand its network through further partnerships.

  • Seventy (70) 50-150 kW fast chargers operate at EKO & BP fuel stations, at motorway service stations and urban-type fuel stations. Two hundred and forty-nine (249) charging points of 22 kW are located in large shopping malls and in public parking lots, as well as, in private parking areas of the Group’s infrastructure and in B2B partners.
  • The licensing process for the installation of fast chargers at EKO & BP fuel stations and Points of Interest throughout the country is ongoing.
70 fast chargers of 50 to 150 kW power at petrol stations across the country

Renewable Energy Sources (RES)

HELLENiQ RENEWABLES SINGLE MEMBER S.A. (HELLENiQ RENEWABLES) was founded in 2006 and is a fully-owned subsidiary. HELLENiQ RENEWABLES plans to develop a significant RES assets portfolio over the next few years, with a target of reaching >1 GW of operating capacity by 2025 and >2 GW by 2030, thus contributing to the diversification of the Group’s energy portfolio and reducing its environmental footprint through GHG emissions offsets.

Main projects currently in operation are: 1 PV park of 204 MW capacity in Kozani. Wind farms with a total capacity of 99 MW in Mani, Evia and Messinia. PV parks with a total capacity of 16 MW in Viotia. 8 PV parks located at various Group sites, including its 3 refineries, with a total nominal capacity of 21 MW. 2 PV parks with a total capacity of 15 MW in Cyprus
Financial Results (€ million) 2023 2022
Sales 53 37
Adjusted EBITDA 42 29
Operational Metrics
Volume Generated (GWh) 658 472
Installed Capacity (MW) 356 341
Target of reaching >1 GW of RES operating capacity by 2025 and >2 GW by 2030

The total installed capacity of HELLENiQ RENEWABLES currently stands at 356 MW. This includes 241 MW of photovoltaic parks and 99 MW of wind parks in Greece, as well as 15 MW of photovoltaic parks in Cyprus. Furthermore, more than 4.3 GW of projects, mainly PV, wind and energy storage, are currently in various stages of development.

The annual electricity production of the operational projects exceeded 658 GWh during 2023, resulting into a CO2 emission avoidance of over 350,000 tons p.a..

In July 2023, HELLENiQ RENEWABLES entered into a binding agreement with MYTILINEOS for the construction and acquisition (upon achieving commercial operation) of a portfolio of 4 photovoltaic (PV) parks in Romania, with an aggregate capacity of 211 MW. The projects are in an advanced stage of development and are expected to enter commercial operation gradually, from 4Q23 to 3Q25. In addition, HELLENiQ RENEWABLES signed a Framework Agreement with another counterparty for the development of a portfolio of PV parks with an aggregate capacity of up to 600 MW in Romania.

On 30 August 2023, HELLENiQ RENEWABLES executed a binding agreement with LIGHTSOURCE RENEWABLE ENERGY GREECE HOLDINGS (UK) LIMITED for the acquisition (upon the start of commercial operations) of a PV portfolio in Kozani with an aggregate capacity of up to 180 MW, of which over 50% is contracted on a long-term basis. The projects are expected to start commercial operations gradually, from 1Q24 to 3Q24.

Total installed RES capacity of 356 MW in Greece and Cyprus
In parallel, HELLENiQ RENEWABLES participated in the first tender held in Greece for the granting of investment and operating aid to energy storage system (ESS) projects. HELLENiQ RENEWABLES’ all three (3) ESS projects, with a total capacity of 100 MW and a guaranteed storage capacity of 200 MWh, were included in Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAEWW)’s list of eligible projects.

Finally, the Heads of Terms were finalized and the steering committee was established for the implementation of offshore wind parks projects in Greece in a 50-50 partnership with RWE Renewables GmbH.

HELLENiQ RENEWABLES aims to accelerate the RES portfolio development in the forthcoming years, with projects that will primarily be developed in Greece, as well as in other countries, with an existing presence in Cyprus and Romania. The aforementioned objectives will be accomplished both organically by utilizing the Company’s existing portfolio of projects, as well as through strategic acquisitions.

Furthermore, subsequent to the selection of three Electric Energy Storage Stations (EESS) with a collective capacity of 100 MW, HELLENiQ RENEWABLES intends to participate in the forthcoming third Competitive Process, upon its announcement by the Regulatory Authority for Energy, Waste and Water (RAEWW).

It is noted that HELLENiQ RENEWABLES follows the Group’s Safety and Environment (S&E) procedures with regards to compliance, reporting, risk and accidents prevention and management, both, during the construction phase and the operation. An S&E engineer is appointed for each new project with the responsibility to monitor relevant issues, supervise works and the S&E licensing stage, validity term and potential renewals.

Power Generation and Trading

The Group engages in the production, trading and supply of power, as well as the trading and supply of natural gas, through its 50% participation in the JV Elpedison B.V. (the remaining 50% is held by EDISON International).

ELPEDISON S.A. currently stands as one of the largest independent power producers in Greece, boasting a total installed capacity of 840 MW of combined cycle gas turbine technology fueled by natural gas (comprising a 420 MW plant in Thessaloniki, operational since 2005, and a 420 MW plant in Thisvi, operational since 2010). Moreover, ELPEDISON is in the process of developing a new 826 MW combined cycle gas-fired plant in Thessaloniki.

840 MW ELPEDISON total installed capacity
6.2% ELPEDISONs market share in the retail

ELPEDISON’s financial results during 2023 were reduced compared to the same period in 2022, with a contribution of €19 million to HELLENiQ ENERGY Group’s profits vs €62 million in 2022. Domestic demand for electricity was reduced by 3.3% y-o-y to 49.5 TWh, mainly due to milder weather conditions as well as the intense price volatility evidenced in the electricity market (source: ADMIE).

During 2023, in the power generation sector the participation of natural gas-fired units in Greece’s energy mix decreased to 30% vs 35% in 2022, mainly due to an increase in the production costs as well as the further penetration of RES (43% share of RES vs 39% in 2022). ELPEDISON’s power plants produced 2.2 TWh of electricity throughout the year.

Positive factors were:

  1. the gradual de-escalation of international natural gas prices driven by an abundance of natural gas reserves, temperate weather conditions and the change in consumer behavior due to the crisis
  2. the increased profitability in the day-ahead market coming from increased demand for flexible units in the balancing market because of the further penetration of RES

On the contrary, unfavorable factors were:


  1. the higher average price of CO2 allowances, contributed to the increase in production costs.
  2. decreased operational availability of ELPEDISON’s Thisvi and Thessaloniki plants, due to scheduled, as well as ad-hoc maintenance for lengthy periods throughout the year.
  3. temporary interventions in the national regulatory framework in response to the energy crisis, which affected competitiveness.

More specifically:


  • The Greek Government imposed mechanisms to return part of Day-Ahead and Intraday Market Revenues. These measures, that lasted until 31 December 2023, imposed price caps on the remuneration prices of electricity producers. Concerning gas-fired stations, the cap was set at the sum of the operational costs (fuel, CO2 emission rights and variable operation and maintenance costs). Market clearing revenue in excess of the cap was withheld by the Market Operator (EnEx) and directed to the national energy transition fund to finance tariff reduction through subsidies.
  • The Greek Government imposed a special levy on natural gas used for electricity production. While initially set at €10/MWhg (Law 4986/2022, 01.11.2022), this measure was later amended to a 5% levy on the TTF month-ahead price (Law 5027/2023). It is expected to be revoked in the first quarter of 2024.

In this volatile environment, the Company managed to maintain its competitiveness, mainly through the optimization of the natural gas supply mix, but also by effectively utilizing its production units’ flexibility.

In the retail electricity market, ELPEDISON’s market share reached 6.2% (2022: 6.1%, Source: Hellenic Energy Exchange), driven by an increase in the retail supply sales volume and expansion of its customers portfolio, mainly in Low Voltage (residential customers), amid increased competition from alternative electricity suppliers. The number of end customers grew by 3.1%, to approximately 332,000 and electricity sales volume amounted to 3.1 TWh. It is noteworthy that in the retail market, pursuant to a Ministerial Decree, since August 2022 ex-post price adjustment clauses (indexation) were temporarily abandoned. Suppliers were obliged to offer fixed monthly tariffs for customers and publish them on the 20th day of the month ahead. Throughout the duration of this measure, customers could change supplier without bearing any cost for early departure. These measures were effective from August 2022 up to December 2023, and resulted in increased risk for the supply companies.

The most significant upcoming actions are the following:


  • In the power generation sector, in 2023, ELPEDISON obtained all the required permits and licenses for the new high-efficiency 826 MW combined cycle unit in Thessaloniki, and completed all preliminary field preparation work. The new unit, fueled by natural gas, will be constructed using advanced technology to ensure high operational efficiency and significantly reduce CO2 emissions compared to ELPEDISON’s current power plant portfolio and even more compared to Greece’s generation mix, contributing to the sustainable development of the country. The combustion technology being adopted may also allow for the use of hydrogen as a fuel. The investment is currently in the final phase of project development.
  • In relation to the electricity supply sector, ELPEDISON aims to achieve profitable growth by focusing on the Low Voltage market. This will enable the company to expand its presence in a segment that offers sustainable long-term growth, achieved through the implementation of a high level of digitalization. The growth strategy will be supported by the introduction of innovative products and services, the development of distribution channels, and an increase in marketing efforts.
  • ELPEDISON is also evaluating the potential growthin the renewable energy generation sector by developing its own small-scale distributed power generation systems dedicated to customers, as well as electrochemical storage projects. The company holds a license for a 30 MW/60 MWh plant near its Thisvi site.

Lastly, in 2023, ELPEDISON embraced its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategy, laying the foundation for achieving net-zero carbon emissions across all operational aspects by 2050. This comprehensive strategy involves strategic investments in existing high-efficiency power plants and the development of new units, complemented by stateof- the-art carbon capture technologies. Additionally, the company envisions the development of low- and zero-carbon infrastructure to offer innovative products and services that effectively reduce customers’ carbon footprint.

ELPEDISON actively participates in two EU-funded research initiatives under the Horizon Europe funding program. The first project, HiRECORD, focuses on testing an innovative CO2 capture technology through a pilot installation in one of its power plants. The second project, COREu, aims to facilitate the implementation of a carbon capture and storage (CCS) value chain by testing the compression, transportation, and storage of captured CO2.

Other Activities

ELPEDISON has expanded its energy services at the retail level by promoting Smart Home and Home Energy Efficiency Solutions through its retail network, as well as providing charging boxes for Electric Vehicles. Additionally, activities have commenced for the provision of larger-scale Energy Efficiency Services, targeting industrial premises, large hotel complexes, and office building complexes. This initiative involves the establishment of a dedicated Division and the initiation of commercial promotion for these services.

Natural Gas

The Group is actively involved in the natural gas sector through its participation in DEPA COMMERCIAL S.A. and DEPA INTERNATIONAL PROJECTS S.A. (35% HELLENiQ ENERGY, 65% HRADF).

DEPA’s companies are mainly active in:



  • import of natural gas through long-term contracts and spot cargoes
  • supply of natural gas to large scale consumers (power generation plants, industries and Natural Gas supply companies)
  • natural gas supply through ΕPA Attiki to small and medium scale consumers


  • international gas transportation projects

Domestic natural gas demand in 2023 amounted to 50.91 TWh, lower by 10.1% y-o-y (2022: 56.65 TWh), primarily due to mild weather conditions resulting in a significant decline in consumption by residential consumers (2023: 11.19 TWh; -8% y-o-y). Power producers continued to have the highest consumption accounting for 68% of domestic demand. However, the corresponding decrease in electricity demand resulted in a 17% drop in natural gas consumption by this sector (2023: 34.54 TWh). On the other hand, industrial consumption saw a significant increase of 84% compared to 2022 (2023: 5.18 TWh). This rise was attributed to intense market volatility following the Russian invasion of Ukraine, causing natural gas prices to gradually regain their competitiveness. In terms of natural gas imports (2023: 67.71 TWh; -21%), the sanctions imposed on Russian natural gas meant that the Revithoussa LNG Terminal (Agia Triada entry point) remained the primary gateway for natural gas into Greece. Revithoussa accounted for 44% of total imports (2023: 29.49 TWh), although there was a decrease compared to 2022 (-23%) due to the overall decrease in demand. A total of 41 LNG cargoes from 7 countries were unloaded at Revithoussa, with the USA still being the largest LNG importer in Greece, representing 38% of the total cargoes. Gas imports through pipelines also experienced a decrease (terminals of N. Mesimvria, Sidirokastro, and Kipi, 2023: 38.22 TWh, -21%).

The decline in natural gas exports in 2023 was noteworthy, as they experienced a decrease of 44% (2023: 16.69 TWh). This decline was primarily observed in the Sidirokastro interconnection point to Bulgaria, as well as in Nea Mesimvria and the TAP pipeline towards Italy (Source: DESFA).

In this volatile and competitive business environment, efficient commercial policy and an effective portfolio and contract mix management did not fully compensate for the significant decline in demand and, consequently, in gas prices. As a result, commercial activity and profitability of DEPA COMMERCIAL were reduced, resulting in a reduced contribution to the profits of HELLENiQ ENERGY Group, compared to 2022, amounting to €-15m.

Privatization Process for DEPA COMMERCIAL

The sale process of 100% of the share capital of the company “DEPA COMMERCIAL S.A.” by HRADF S.A. (65%) and HELLENiQ ENERGY (35%), which commenced in January 2020 and was suspended in March 2021, was officially terminated in October 2023 by HRADF. HELLENiQ ENERGY was among the candidate investment schemes in a joint venture with EDISON S.A.. DEPA COMMERCIAL’s shareholders, i.e. HRADF and HELLENiQ ENERGY, are examining the conditions prevailing in the domestic and international natural gas markets, while evaluating alternative options for the utilization of this asset.


In the natural gas sector, ELPEDISON is one of the largest independent private importers and suppliers of natural gas in Greece, with two-thirds of its total natural gas supplies sourced from direct imports of Liquefied Natural Gas.

During 2023, ELPEDISON reinforced its presence in the natural gas supply market, significantly expanding its clientele and enhancing its commercial development as an integrated energy provider. In the retail market, the number of final customers grew from approximately 27,000 to 29,600, while sales volume amounted to 1.1 TWh.

ELPEDISON has submitted an application to amend its Independent Natural Gas System License for the new LNG terminal, known as Thessaloniki FSRU. The proposed amendment includes the enhancement of the marine infrastructure by adding a second FSU tanker, which is a floating LNG storage unit.

It will further optimize the natural gas supply chain and maintain diversification in natural gas sources through direct imports of LNG and pipeline gas. ELPEDISON aims to exploit additional opportunities in this regard.

17 % d r o p i n n a t ur a l g a s c o n s u m p t i o n b y el e c tr i c i t y p r o d u c e r s

Exploration and Production

The exploration and production activities of the HELLENiQ ENERGY Group primarily focus in Greece and are outlined as follows:


  • A consortium with Calfrac Well Services Ltd (75%) has been established, in which the Group holds a 25% stake, for the purpose of operating in the Sea of Thrace Concession, located in the North Aegean Sea. The concession covers a total area of approximately 1,600 sq. km.
  • The Group, as the Operator (100%), holds exploration and production rights for the offshore ‘Block 10’ in the Kyparissiakos Gulf. In January 2022, a 2D seismic acquisition program covering 1,200 km was carried out as part of the minimum work program for the initial Exploration Phase. Subsequently, in December 2022, a 3D seismic acquisition survey was conducted, covering a total area of 2,420 km2, fulfilling the obligations of the second Exploration Phase. These seismic operations were executed successfully, with no negative impact on the environment and with utmost consideration for the local communities. All necessary protective measures were implemented, in compliance with both EU and national legislation, as well as industry best practices. The processing and interpretation of the newly acquired 2D seismic data have been completed, while the processing of the 3D seismic data would be finalized in March 2024, followed by interpretation. On 10 July 2023, the Lessee entered into the second Exploration Phase, which has a duration of three years.
  • The Group, as the Operator (100%), holds exploration and production rights for the offshore “Ionian” block in Western Greece. In February 2022, a 2D seismic acquisition program covering a distance of 1,600 km was carried out as part of the minimum work program for the initial Exploration Phase. Subsequently, in December 2022, an additional 3D seismic acquisition was conducted, covering an area of 1,150 km2, fulfilling the obligations of the second Exploration Phase. Similar to the aforementioned operations, these seismic activities were executed successfully, with no negative impact on the environment and with utmost consideration for the local communities. All necessary protective measures were implemented, in compliance with both EU and national legislation, as well as industry best practices. The processing and interpretation of the newly acquired 2D seismic data have been completed, while the processing of the 3D seismic data was expected to be finalized in March 2024, followed by interpretation in the same year. On 10 July 2023, the Lessee entered into the second Exploration Phase, which has a duration of three years.
  • The Group holds a 25% interest in the offshore “Block 2”, located west of Corfu island, through a joint venture with Energean Hellas Ltd. (75%, Operator). In November 2022, the Lessee conducted a 3D seismic acquisition campaign. The processing of the 3D seismic data has been completed in January 2024.
  • The Group holds exploration and production rights, with a 30% interest, in two offshore blocks in Crete, namely ‘West Crete’ and ‘Southwest Crete’, in partnership with ExxonMobil Exploration & Production Greece (Crete) B.V. (70%, Operator). Between November 2022 and February 2023, a 2D seismic acquisition program covering a distance of 12,278 km was carried out in the two Cretan lease areas. The processing of the 2D data was expected to be finalized in early 2024, followed by interpretation by the end of the year. Furthermore, in March 2024, the acquisition of new 3D data in the area of SW Crete (Multiclient) has been planned, as well as environmental studies in the 2 areas in the following period.
  • The Company has submitted a proposal, in which it acts as the Operator with a 100% stake, for the offshore ‘Block 1’ in the Ionian Sea, located north of Corfu. The decision of the Competent Authority regarding this matter is still pending.
Focus on 6 offshore early exploration blocks in Greece - partnership with ExxonMobil in 2 blocks


ASPROFOS, a Group subsidiary, is the largest Greek engineering firm and energy consulting services provider in South-Eastern Europe. It operates in accordance with internationally accepted standards and practices, certified by ISO 9001, ΕLΟΤ 1429, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001.

ASPROFOS supports investments in the fields of refining and natural gas through the provision of a broad range of technical, project management and other related advisory services, while seeking to continuously expand the range of its services and broaden its client portfolio to include, mainly, international clients.

In 2023, ASPROFOS employed 217 qualified professionals and its turnover amounted to €11.3 million.

In 2023, ASPROFOS provided services to more than 150 projects to clients both within and outside the HELLENiQ ENERGY Group.

The most important projects are outlined below:


  • FEED for three (3) Flare Gas Recovery Units at MAA refinery in Kuwait
  • Engineering & procurement services for the bio oil coprocessing in DODD unit of TIC for HVO production
  • Environmental impact and permit studies for the onshore and offshore section of the EastMed pipeline in Greece
  • Engineering services and construction supervision for the project: High Pressure Pipeline to West Macedonia
  • Specifications, procurement services, permitting activities for installation and basic design of two new (2) high efficiency CHP Gas Turbines at the Aspropyrgos refinery
  • Owner’s engineer and construction supervision services for the LNGS Alexandroupolis Terminal
  • Basic and detailed design for installation of new tracers at DIESEL HEATING and DIESEL MARINE at the Aspropyrgos refinery
  • Installation of new M-3301N (PACKINOX) at Unit U-3300 of the Aspropyrgos refinery
In 2023, ASPROFOS provided its services in more than 150 projects

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